Past Scholarship Winners

Founders Fund Scholars

TGF began awarding Founders Fund Scholarships in 2006. Here are the names of recipients and what they are doing today.

2006 Jessica Steinberg Albin
Joint MS/JD, Bard College/Pace Law School Legislative Counsel, New York City Council

2007 Jessica Rogers
PhD, Columbia University
Adjunct Professor, Conservation, Environmentalism and Environmental Ethics, St. Lawrence University

2008 Andrea Caruso
MA Fordham University
Ecology Education Program Assistant, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

2009 Meredith Van Horn
JD, Pace Law School

2010 Laura Bendernagel
BA, Columbia University
Environmental Engineer at RK&K

2011 Sean Fitzgerald
BS, Marine Vertebrate Biology, Environmental Science, SUNY Stony Brook, PhD candidate, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management

2012 Elizabeth Murphy
Dual MA and MBA, Climate Science and Policy, Bard College

2013 Stefan Karkuff
MS, Conservation Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, habitat biologist, Pheasants Forever

2014 Maija Niemisto
MS, Marine Sciences, SUNY College of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, education specialist, NY Department of Environmental Conservation

2015 Charles Robinson
MS, Conservation Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, PhD candiate

2016 Nicholas McCloskey
BA Environmental Science, Siena College

2017 Johanna Jensen
PhD candidate, Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University

2018 Evie Brahmstedt
PhD candidate, Environmental Science and Engineering, Clarkson University Institute for a Sustainable Environment

2019 Maria Grima, PhD candidate, Marine Science, SUNY Stony Brook

2020 Megan Hazlitt, M.S. candidate, State University of New York Department of Environmental and Forest Biology in Syracuse

2021 Ethan Scott Duvall, PhD candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University and Anna Christine Feldman, M.S. candidate, Yale University School of the Environment

2022 Peter Searle, PhD candidate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University and Susannah (Anna) Lenaker, MS candidate in Environmental Management at the Yale School of the Environment

2023 Brittany Bartlett, PhD candidate in biology, University of Oxford Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science, and Elisabeth Schreiber, Master of Environmental Management candidate, Yale University School of the Environment

2024 Kristen Tam, MA candidate, Yale University School of the Environment